A perfect celebration: A special night for commissionaires working at Mosaic stadium

As we’ve noted before, Commissionaires Southern Saskatchewan Division has the honour of doing on-field security at Mosaic Stadium every time the Saskatchewan Roughriders hit the gridiron (yes, we’re jealous). Yesterday was different.

CFL team host Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) appreciation events throughout the season. In Saskatchewan, we—Canada’s largest employer of veterans—get to be an integral part of the event. Our veterans who worked at the game donned their military honours.

Commissionaires met and took photos with some of the Team Canada Invictus Games athletes, who held the Canadian flag on the field through the National Anthem performance. They also posed for a photo with the Grey Cup, won by the Ottawa Redblacks last season.

“Many of the dozens of commissionaires who are part of the security team for Saskatchewan Roughriders games are veterans. It’s a unique and special feeling for our organization, and in particular for our veterans who were present at Mosaic Stadium when Rider Nation paid tribute to our military,” said LCol (ret’d) Colin R. King, CD , CEO Commissionaires South Saskatchewan

The Commissionaires’ locker-room “pre-game” meeting had a unique energy, and commissionaires walked noticeably taller as they proudly patrolled the stadium on the special evening that directly honoured them, and their colleagues, for years of service and the sacrifices they and their families have made for our country.

The next CFL CAF appreciation night will be hosted by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers on August 17.

Commissionaires dispersing to on field posts

commissionaires south sask picture with the Grey Cup after a contribution to Purolator tackle for hunger campaign at Mosaic Stadium Regina August 13

Commissionaires pictured with the Grey Cup after a contribution to Purolator tackle for hunger campaign at Mosaic Stadium.