Smarter security. Stronger communities.
Commissionaires – Security, Fingerprinting, and more.
50+ locations across Canada.
We’re ready to serve you safely.
Canada’s premier security company providing fingerprinting,
criminal record checks (CPIC), security guarding, and more.
Commissionaires awards $35,000 in bursaries to 20 students
Since 2022, Commissionaires has awarded bursaries to post-secondary students who are employees or family members of employees. When the program started, $12,500 was awarded to five students. In 2023, $25,000…
Amanda Young: Our Dedicated Commissionaire at CFB Gagetown
We’re proud to introduce Amanda Young, one of our dedicated Commissionaires stationed at the Accommodations building at CFB Gagetown. Since joining us in December 2023, Amanda has made a lasting…
Six Students from Commissionaire Families Honored with Educational Awards
Commissionaires Nova Scotia’s Board of Governors awarded six educational awards to family members of serving commissionaires. This year’s applicants showcased impressive academic achievements, strong community involvement, and ambitious goals for…
Our Social Mandate
To provide meaningful employment that meets the needs of veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, their families and others who wish to contribute to the security and well-being of Canadians.
More information for Military/Veteran Spouses
More information for Civilians