Commissionaire Lee Dudas recognized for quick response and attention to detail

Commissionaire Lee Dudas was presented with an Administrative Recognition and a commemorative coin for his response to two incidents while working at his site at the Lethbridge Public Library Main Branch.  

In late February, Lee was making his rounds and stopped at the information desk to see if there was any suspicious or unusual activity to report. Lee was informed that a young person was being sought by the Lethbridge Police Service and he took the initiative to investigate the matter. After examining a photo of the missing young person, Lee recognized the individual as a regular at the local library. Lee was able to locate the individual, who was later confirmed as the missing youth in question.

One month later, Lee was on patrol and noticed that a man in the computer area may have been passed out due to intoxication. After assessing the situation, Lee approached the man just as he collapsed to the ground, lost consciousness and starting have seizures. Lee noticed a syringe sticking out of the man’s pocket and determined that he was suffering from the effects of a drug overdose. Lee immediately called 911 to alert emergency medical services. During this time, he took direction from the responders and took care of the man. When the EMS arrived, they confirmed Lee’s suspicions and gave the man an antidote for drug toxicity. The man regained consciousness and was transported to receive further medical attention.

Lee was recognized for his concern and attention to detail coupled with a quick response to ensure a positive outcome in both events.

Thank you, Lee. The work you have done shows caring and concern and has saved a life. It’s this type of initiative that defines Commissionaires and the work that we do.