Commissionaire Madden saves multiple lives from a house fire, receives national award

In November 2022, Commissionaires North Saskatchewan Mobile Patrol Supervisor William “Joe” Madden was driving along a street when he noticed a house was on fire.

Cmre Madden immediately stopped the car, called 911, and began pounding on the door. He was able to wake the main-floor tenants, who informed him there were also tenants in the basement. He then went to a side door and began pounding on that door to wake them.

Ultimately, Madden was able to get all tenants and pets out of the house and mustered across the street, in case of a gas explosion. He remained with the tenants and their pets until the Fire Department and Police Services arrived.

Commissionaires North Saskatchewan Division Members from L-R: Vance McNab, Board Chair; William Madden, Mobile Patrol Supervisor; Lorne Gelowitz, Chief Executive Officer

By the time emergency services arrived, the house was fully engulfed in flames. By his swift action, Cmre Madden saved multiple lives – human and animal – with zero injuries.

For his heroic efforts, Cmre Madden was recently presented an award from the Canadian Security Lifesaver Association (CSLA). David Sulston and Ana Estrada, CSLA Board Members, hosted a virtual presentation for Cmre Madden, in which Commissionaires representatives took part to recognize this important action. A recording can be viewed below.

“Joe has dedicated 20 years of service to Commissionaires,” said Lorne Gelowitz, CEO for Commissionaires Northern Saskatchewan Division. “He is a great leader by example, and his immediate crucial thinking on that day was indicative of a hero. We are very proud.”

Article was originally posted here