March 7th, 2018
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Ottawa, Ontario

For the third year in a row, Commissionaires has ranked in the top half of Canada’s 300 best employers according to the Forbes list of Canada’s Best Employers of 2018.
More significantly, Commissionaires is the only security company to rank among Canada’s best employers.
“We are a Canadian business committed to creating and maintaining a great work environment,” said Bruce Belliveau, Chair of the Commissionaires’ National Business Management Committee, and CEO of the Nova Scotia Division. “This year’s results are especially rewarding since we are the only security company in Canada to be recognized as one of the Forbes best employers.”
Commissionaires boasts an 80% employee retention rate, twice the security industry average, and is Canada’s largest private sector employer of veterans.
Forbes partnered with online statistics provider Statista to survey more than 8,000 Canadian workers. The resulting list includes 300 employers across 25 industries. Canada’s best employers include corporate giants, community-based financial institutions, universities and government agencies. The employees who took part in the survey were consulted anonymously through several online access panels rather than through their employers.
The workers surveyed were asked to identify, on a scale of zero to 10, how likely they were to recommend their employer to someone else and what they thought about the other employers in their industry.
The full list of Canada’s top employers is available at
In collaboration with online statistics provider Statista, FORBES asked 8,000 Canadian employees – 81% full timers – working for large firms or institutions to rate their willingness to recommend their own companies on a scale of 1 to 10. The employees who took part in the survey were consulted not via their employers but anonymously through several online access panels. Data was recorded this past September.
The survey was conducted using an online access panel, providing a representative sample of over 8,000 employees working part- or full-time for companies and institutions employing more than 500 employees in Canada.
Commissionaires is Canada’s premier security provider and the largest private sector employer of Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP veterans. Founded on the core military values of dedication, responsibility and sense of mission, Commissionaires employs 21,000 people from coast to coast to coast. It offers a wide range of security services including professional guarding, monitoring and surveillance, threat risk assessment, non-core policing, by-law enforcement, digital fingerprinting, criminal and employee background screening, investigations, and security training. Commissionaires is a completely self-funded, not-for-profit organization that serves a diverse range of public and private sector organizations. Commissionaires was established in 1925.