April 22nd, 2024
Congratulations to the commissionaire team at the Home Hardware Distribution Centre in Debert for receiving the 2023 Linda Lushington Award for Safety Excellence! This award is presented annually to one CNS site that excels in its efforts to promote a safe work environment.
The team at the Home Hardware Distribution Centre experienced zero injuries in 2023. They are applauded for successfully following the CNS Safety Program, including by keeping up-to-date safety records and making them available. Approximately eight commissionaires work at the distribution centre. They proactively liaise with the client, district manager, and CNS Safety to reduce the risk of incidents and injuries.
A CNS client site since 2001, the distribution centre spans roughly 600,000 square feet and employs more than 250 people. Our commissionaire team controls access to the yard, ensuring the right trucks are coming and going, and updates the client’s systems. Security and safety rounds of the warehouse are completed during quiet hours and assist with emergency response at the facility.
Congratulations to the team and thank you for your diligence in keeping the Home Hardware Distribution Centre safe!