Commissionaires no longer providing healthcare security in Nova Scotia

Commissionaires are departing last two healthcare facilities after nearly 42 years

After a recent decision by the Nova Scotia Health Authority to award their security services contract to an out-of-province company, Commissionaires Nova Scotia will be leaving the last two hospitals, Aberdeen Hospital and Colchester East Hants Health Centre, where they have been providing healthcare security services to the provincial government for decades.

Commissionaires Nova Scotia, a not-for-profit company with a mission to provide employment for veterans, received notification of termination of contracts by fax on October 30. Commissionaires will cease providing security services at the Aberdeen Hospital on November 30 (30-days’ notice), and at the Colchester East Hants Health Centre on December 29 (60-days’ notice).

“We are extremely disappointed the Nova Scotia Health Authority did not choose Commissionaires Nova Scotia as their security services provider,” noted CEO Bruce Belliveau. “We’ve long been proud of our association with healthcare facilities across Nova Scotia, and I am very proud of the work all our affected commissionaires have achieved over the decades of service provided to our clients and their patients. It’s a shame this announcement had to come during the season of remembrance. Nova Scotians are justifiably proud of their veterans’ continued contribution to their security and well-being, and it’s unfortunate they will no longer provide that service in healthcare facilities.”

The Nova Scotia Health Authority had issued a Request for Proposals for Security Guard Services which closed July 27, 2015, and Commissionaires Nova Scotia was pleased to provide a comprehensive proposal, for the provision of healthcare security services throughout the province. “As the largest private provider of security services in Nova Scotia, we have more than 1700 commissionaires who cover the province from Sydney to Yarmouth, including existing offices and infrastructure in each of the proposed Nova Scotia Health Authority geographic areas,” stated Bill Brydon, Director of Operations for Commissionaires Nova Scotia. “In tandem with our investment in healthcare security certification for our commissionaires, and fair wages for the qualifications they were expected to have, we believe our proposed approach to be a near-perfect fit with the stated requirements.”

A proposal debriefing has been promised by the Nova Scotia Health Authority. Commissionaires Nova Scotia looks forward to continuing to provide exceptional services across Nova Scotia for federal, provincial, and municipal governments and agencies, as well as numerous commercial clients.


“We understand the need to get maximum value for each taxpayer dollar spent,” said Mr. Belliveau; “However, we will continue to offer our services at pay levels commensurate with the level of responsibility specified by our clients. It has been our pleasure to care for and protect the property, information, and, most importantly people, at these healthcare facilities these past decades.”






About Commissionaires Nova Scotia

Since 1937, Commissionaires Nova Scotia is the leading security provider in the province and the largest private sector employer of veterans. It employs more than 1700 commissionaires from Cape Breton to Yarmouth, and offers a wide range of security services including professional guarding, monitoring and surveillance, threat risk assessment, bylaw enforcement, identification and fingerprinting services, and security training. The completely self-funded not-for-profit enterprise generates around $40M in annual revenue, of which approximately 90% is returned to its employees. Its clients include an array of public and private sector organizations.


To arrange an interview, contact:

Jerry MacAlpine

Laura MacGregor

Director of Business

Marketing and Communications Officer

Commissionaires Nova Scotia

Commissionaires Nova Scotia

T 902 429 8101 ext. 242

C 902 240 1845

[email protected]

T 902 429 8101 ext. 250

[email protected]