Commissionaires take on the heat for Canada Day

Commissionaires across the country ran security operations for various Canada Day festivities, regardless of the record-breaking temperatures.

As they do each year, our Ottawa Division eagerly took on the largest operation of them all, Canada Day in the Capital.

Starting June 17 and through to July 6, inclusive, hundreds of commissionaires have been securing various posts throughout the National Capital Region for Canada Day events. Throughout the Canada Day long weekend, they braved the sweltering heat to provide crowd management, traffic and transit support, and a strong security presence at Parliament Hill, Major’s Hill Park, Nepean Point, the National War Memorial, and the Alexandra Bridge.

Paul Guindon, Ottawa Division CEO, along with Byron Crockett, Manager, Special Services & Dispatch, set out to greet and thank as many commissionaires as possible on the morning of July 1st. The CEO was “very impressed and encouraged by the positive, cheerful attitudes of our commissionaires.”

Despite best efforts, visiting each commissionaire on duty that day was not feasible. However, he wants all his commissionaires to know their efforts did not go unnoticed. “For those I did not have the opportunity to speak with personally on Sunday, please know that I am very grateful for your dedication, loyalty and vigilance. I am tremendously proud of how well you all represented our brand and our company. Thank you!”

Additionally, thank you to all commissionaires across the country who took time out of their Canada Day to ensure the safety and security of the people in their communities.


Above right: Xavier Combatley (left), posted on Parliament Hill, discussing with the CEO Paul Guindon (centre), and Byron Crockett (right).
Above left: Justin Turner (left), posted in the Market, chats with the CEO.
Feature photo: Zakaria Abdi (centre) smiles for the camera while posted at a water station on Parliament Hill in the early hours on Sunday.