Digital Fingerprinting: Getting your fingerprints taken has never been quicker or easier

3M Canada

3M™ Civil Applicant Livescan Solutions and Commissionaires make obtaining your RCMP Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening easier than ever.

There is nothing more exciting than embarking on a new venture – and each and every day, thousands of Canadians take aim for a better future by doing just that.

From signing up for new volunteer or paid opportunities, travelling, expanding your family through adoption or filing an application to become a Canadian – these major leaps in life all share common threads: they’re exciting, challenging, and all require that you must first undergo a Criminal Record or Vulnerable Sector check, complete with fingerprinting.

But while getting your fingerprinting done may sound like a time-consuming task, electronic technology, like 3MTM Civil Applicant Livescan Solutions, is making it a snap.

So you can move on to the next phase of excitement, faster.

RCMP background check now requires electronic fingerprinting

You may be familiar with the fact that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) requires fingerprinting in order to confirm your identity when you apply for a Criminal Record or Vulnerable Sector check.

But what you may not know, is that since 2014, the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS) will only accept electronic fingerprint submissions for civil purposes.

[Livescan fingerprint scan]

Livescan devices provide quick and efficient digital fingerprinting

Today, Livescan devices, like 3MTM  Livescan Solutions, have replaced the traditional ink and paper method of capturing fingerprints.

Instead of putting ink on your fingers and rolling them on paper, your fingers are scanned electronically using a Livescan fingerprint scanner making the process faster, more efficient and less messy.

Get your Livescan background check done quickly through Commissionaires

In partnership with 3M, Commissionaires has built of one the most extensive digital fingerprinting infrastructures in Canada.

With over 40 locations, using 3MTM Civil Applicant Livescan Solutions, Commissionaires has been accredited by the RCMP to provide electronic fingerprinting services to the public, corporations and agencies.

As a not-for-profit organization, Commissionaires provides security and identification services including fingerprinting, criminal record checks, record suspensions, U.S. entry waivers and employee background screening.  Their screening staff is security cleared with the Government of Canada and their facilities are safeguarded for information.

Fingerprinting completed in less than 15 minutes and Livescan results in 72 hours or less

Using 3M™’s Livescan Solutions, the entire digital fingerprint capture process is fast, efficient and clean. In fact, it’s not uncommon for individuals to get through the entire process and be on their way in just 15 minutes.

If there are no convictions found on record, the electronic fingerprint results are processed and mailed out within 72 hours or less.

Each applicant’s criminal record verification results can be sent directly to the individual or to a designated third party, such as an employer or immigration or pardons agency.

“In light of the pending mandatory requirement by TBS (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat) to require criminal record check for all security screening applications, DCC (Defence Construction Canada) contracted the Corps of Commissionaires to provide electronic fingerprinting services.  The service provided is outstanding and staffs are going out of their way to accommodate and meet our requirements, which results in cost saving and quicker turnaround time for granting clearances.”

Mario Emond, CD, CPP

Coordinator, Corporate Security

Deputy Corporate Security Officer (DCSO)

Defence Construction Canada

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