Edmonton-Centre MP announces feds will kick in money for No Stone Left Alone Memorial Foundation

Edmonton Sun

By Kevin Maimann

Two local foundations supporting veterans will get a helping hand from the federal government this Remembrance Day.

Edmonton-Centre MP Laurie Hawn announced Wednesday that the feds will kick in $5,000 to the No Stone Left Alone Memorial Foundation for commemorative poppy-laying ceremonies, as well as $2,500 to the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires’ Northern Alberta Division for its Nov. 11 ceremony at the University of Alberta’s Butterdome.

“I commend the No Stone Left Alone Foundation and the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires for their unwavering commitment to providing Edmontonians with opportunities to remember and honour those who have served on our behalf,” said Hawn in a release, on behalf of Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino.

No Stone Left Alone, which also won a $5,000 Duncan Craig LLP Gold Award for creativity and innovation in September, will see hundreds of local children lay more than 10,000 poppies on soldiers’ graves at 20 cemeteries across Edmonton and Jasper this year. Its main event at Beechmount Cemetery will be streamed live at nostoneleftalone.ca

More than 5,000 people are expected to attend the annual Canadian Corps of Commissionaries’ ceremony at the Butterdome, which will be televised across the province.

Through the Community Engagement Partnership Fund, the Government of Canada has approved more than $13 million since 2006 for projects that recognize Canadian veterans and men and women who died in service.

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