I have the best job in Regina!

South Saskatchewan commissionaire, Norbert Philippe (retired RCMP), won the Deputy Minister’s Commendation Award for his participation in creating a Canada 150 video.

The Agriculture Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Departmental Awards ceremony was held June 15. The program included three categories: Gold Harvest Award, Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Science, and Deputy Minister Commendation Award. 

The Deputy Minister Commendation Award was presented to four groups across Canada, two of which were in Regina.  Assistant Deputy Minister Pierre Corriveau, attended to present the awards on behalf of Deputy Minister Chris Forbes. 

The Regina-based members of the video team include: Jan Cote, Norbert Philippe, Hakibu Tanko, Serena Ward, Yvonne Sparvier, David Lee, and Alan Ng. 

DMCA Video Group

Norbert also placed 5th in the 2017 GCconnex Happiness-at-Work awards, out of 173 nominations. The employees managed to keep it a secret as they wanted to surprise him. 

Norbert found the gesture extremely generous, “I was just doing my job. This just illustrates why I think I have the best job in Regina!”

You can see the end result of Norbert and his team’s hard work here

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