Police Pursuit Ends when Alleged Parking Meter Bandit Rides into Brick Wall

Kelowna Capital News

A Kelowna man is facing Mischief charges after allegedly damaging a number of parking meters throughout the downtown area.

Mounties received a report that a lone man on a bicycle was attempting to break in to City-owned parking meters, March 12  at about 11:30 p.m.

“Police closed in on the man but he refused to stop and attempted to evade police on his bicycle,” said Const. Kris Clark.

“His pedal pursuit came to a painful end however when he failed to negotiate around a brick pillar that stopped him in his tracks. The 38 year old man was treated for minor injuries before being taken into police custody.”

Numerous meters had been damaged over the last few weeks and the City of Kelowna estimated the damages to now be well over $5000.

The man faces potential charges of Mischief and was released on a Promise to Appear for Court in June, 2012.

The Kelowna RCMP would like to thank the Commissionaires who were instrumental in the arrest of the suspect.

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