Return to Duty Memorandum of Understanding signed with Department of National Defence

On June 27, 2014 a Return to Duty Memorandum of Understanding between The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires and the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces was signed in Ottawa.  The aim of the MOU is for the CAF and Commissionaires to work in concert where possible at local and regional levels to offer employment to anyone being honourably released by the CAF. Under the MOU, Commissionaires will employ selected injured/ill CAF members who are participating in the Return to Duty program and members of the CAF who are transitioning to civilian life and who wish assistance seeking employment opportunities.

“This is a key initiative that will allow us to augment the care provided by the CAF in helping our military members over injury and sickness by providing them with meaningful employment opportunities tailored to their medical conditions. The goal is reintegration back to their military duties, or successful transition to a post-military career,” said Bill Sutherland, Chair, National Board of Directors, Commissionaires.

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