Service Advantage for Customer Service

This one-day course helps businesses improve the way their people provide service to clients and customers by examining the fundamentals of delivering long-term customer service effectively and with sincerity.

Course duration

8 Hours.

Course locations

Click link to view map location of Commissionaires Manitoba training academy

Organizations looking to receive training at their location should contact the Training Manager by email or by telephone at 204-942-5993 ext 2226

Course Dates

Dates available on request. Contact one of our training professionals via the form below today or at 204-942-5993 ext 2030 to register for training and to schedule the start date of your course.

Course Registration

If you are interested in registering for this course, provide your details in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Course Registration

If you are interested in working with Commissionaires, please apply through our Careers page and we will guide you through the educational steps required.

If you are not interested in a career with Commissionaires, or have already contacted our recruiting team and they have guided you to take this course first, please provide your details in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Are you a CAF Veteran / Allied Forces / RCMP / Police / Military Family member? *

Please download our Consent Form, fill out and attach it below.

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