Various Positions Offered in: North SaskatchewanProvince Saskatchewan Location: North SK, including Saskatoon, Prince Albert, North Battleford and La Ronge Apply Now All job applicants must be residents of Canada.Name *Email Address *Phone *City/Town *Postal Code *MessageAre you a veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, Allied Forces, RCMP, police or are you a member of a military family? *YesNoPlease specify *Canadian Armed ForcesRCMPAllied forcesPolice ServiceMilitary spouse (serving member or veteran)Military dependant (serving member or veteran)Are you a Canadian citizen? *YesNoPlease read and check this box to agree with the required statement below. (Ontario Guard License) *I have a valid Ontario Security Guard License.Please read and check this box to agree with the required statements below. (First-Aid and Vehicle) *I have a valid Emergency First-Aid CPR/AED Certificate.I have a vehicle or access to a vehicle to attend shifts.Please read and check this box to agree with the required statement below. (Have not applied previously) *I have not previously applied to this specific position.I have a valid ‘G2’ or ‘G’ Ontario Drivers Licence and a vehicle in order to drive to any work site within the region I have appliedYesNoI have previously been a CommissionaireYesNoDivision of previous Commissionaire employmentI am looking the following type of work and shifts (check all that apply)Part Time (15+ hours per week)Full Time (35+ hours or more per week)Weekdays onlyWeekends onlyAny ShiftHow many hours per week are you looking to work? *Select8 - 16 Hours per week24 - 40 Hours per weekDo you have a valid Manitoba security guard license? *YesNoWho did you receive your license training with? *Are you available to start work within the next 2-3 months? *YesNoAre you currently working? *YesNoAre you working within the security field? *YesNoPlease specify the days and hours of the week that you are available to work on a regular basis *Monday to Friday Day Shift (approximately 0700 to 1500)Monday to Friday Evenings (approximately 1500 to 2300)Monday to Friday Night Shift (approximately 2300 to 0700)Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) Day Shifts (approximately 0700 to 1500)Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) Evening Shifts (approximately 1500 to 2300)Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) Night Shifts (approximately 2300 to 0700)(Shift hours may vary, you may provide more details in the Additional Comments field below.)Please indicate your residency status. *SelectBorn in CanadaCanadian CitizenPermanent ResidentLanded ImmigrantWork PermitSchool PermitWhat is the expiry date of the status or permit? *For the purposes of obtaining security clearances, if you were NOT born in Canada, please specify the date of entry into Canada(Leave blank if not applicable)Due to the various location of work, consistent and reliable transportation is the responsibility of the applicant. Please specify the primary transportation type you will using. *SelectPublic Transportation (Bus)Bike or other non-vehicle source of transportation (walking)Personal Vehicle (Vehicle is available for all potential work assignments)TaxiDo you have a valid Manitoba Drivers licence? *YesNo(May be required for specific positions. Excluding beginners or learners permit.)Do you have any additional comments about availability, restrictions or other info that you would like to share?Cover Letter (optional)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileRésumé *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileCopy of your current Ontario Security Guard License (PDF) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease download our Application Form, then fill out and attach it below.Application Form *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileOntario Security Guard License *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileFirst Aid Certificate *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease download our Career Application Form, fill out and re-upload it below to complete your application submission.North Saskatchewan Career Application Form *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileNorth Saskatchewan Security Guard Certificate *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease upload your Saskatchewan Security Guard Training Certificate here.How did you hear about this position? *Select an optionLinkedInIndeedSocial media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X)Digital ad on the internetAd in a newspaper or magazineWord of mouth (from veteran or CAF member)Word of mouth (from a Commissionaires employee)Commissionaires careers pageOtherAgreement *I have read and completed this application in full. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the answers given to the foregoing questions and the statements made by me in this application are correct and complete. I understand that misrepresentation of facts in this application may result in disqualification or dismissal. Commissionaires is an equal opportunity employer.Terms & Conditions of Use *In completing and submitting this application, I agree that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am providing my included information for hiring purposes only and any & all false or misleading statements made by me in the foregoing application could result in disqualification and/or dismissal. I agree to Terms & Conditions of Use. Send