
Captain John Scott Dewar, CD, MSM, B.Sc., M.Sc., pcsc, RCN (Ret’d) Colonel W.G.S. (Bill) Sutherland, CD (Ret’d), Chair of the Commissionaires National Board of Directors is deeply saddened to announce that Captain John Scott Dewar, RCN (Ret’d), Chair of the Commissionaires National Business Management Committee and Chief Executive Officer of Commissionaires Victoria, the Islands and … Read more ›

PUBLIC SAFETY: Newton Safety Unit is ‘leading edge’

by: Amy Reid – Surrey Now SURREY — Newton’s getting some extra attention this year. Each week, a group of officers who patrol the streets sit around a table in the Newton BIA office to discuss files and trends, and come up with weekly action plans. Thing is, they’re not all cops. In fact, only one … Read more ›

Grabbing a cab a bit easier at Charlottetown airport Commissionaire dedicated to getting taxis for passengers Hailing a cab is a bit easier these days for passengers catching a late-night ride into the city after arriving at the Charlottetown airport. The Charlottetown Airport Authority has hired one extra commissionaire for this month to help people get a taxi between 10 p.m. and 1 … Read more ›

Commissionaires Awarded Island Health Hospital Security Contract

February 17, 2016 marks the beginning of a 3-year hospital security contract with Island Health awarded to the Corps of Commissionaires (Victoria, the Islands and Yukon Division), Vancouver Island’s  largest and most experienced security company.  The Commissionaires will provide static and mobile security, alarm response and patient watch services to 21 Island Health facilities across … Read more ›

Commissionaires Manitoba Wins 2016 Consumers Choice Award Winnipeg, Manitoba Consumer Choice Award is thrilled to announce the 2016 Top Service Providers in their respective sectors for the Winnipeg Area. We would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to all this year's winners; your dedication to superior service has resonated with the people of Winnipeg. Each year across Canada, Consumer Choice Award gathers … Read more ›

Canadian Commissionaires Go Beyond Security

By Mirelle Sylvester, Ottawa Life You probably see a Commissionaire or two every day. You may even spot one when you're travelling through an airport. They stand out with the white or blue crisp button down-shirts, sweaters, and epaulets and you may notice that some are wearing military medals too. That's because Commissionaires are primarily … Read more ›

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