Cybersecurity is no longer a luxury

“Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it and get a new one every six months.” – Clifford Stoll It’s hard to imagine a time when cybersecurity wasn’t a concern. Doing so is like trying to explain to millennials a rotary-dial was phone physically wired to the wall, and that email … Read more ›

NAB Division recognizes employees of the month

NAB Division CEO John Slater (left) and Vivian Elzen   NAB Division recognized two recent recipients of its “Employee of the Month” award in the January edition of its employee newsletter. On October 20, 2018, commissionaire Vivian Elzen noticed a suspicious man enter the Epcor Tower and get onto an elevator. Using the tools at … Read more ›

An appreciative client recognizes two NL Division commissionaires

This article was written by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (NL), an appreciative client of our Newfoundland and Labrador Division. Meet Spencer Allen and Todd Jackson. Anyone who drives up to the North Atlantic Fisheries Center (NAFC) will definitely know their faces but you are probably not aware of their meaningful addition to the work force at DFO.  … Read more ›

‘Tis the Season to Think About Safety

The holiday season is a time for spending quality time with (and spoiling) our loved ones. It’s very easy to get caught up in the jubilation brought on by great company. Thankfully, Commissionaires is always thinking about you and your safety. To help you avoid any unpleasant surprises this holiday season, we have compiled a … Read more ›

Five commissionaires to receive The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers

The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers is an honour awarded to Canadians with long serving, voluntary commitments to their community. “It recognizes the exceptional volunteer achievements of Canadians from across the country in a wide range of fields and pays tribute to the dedication and commitment of volunteers. They embody the caring country we aspire to … Read more ›