The Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs to Address Canadian Corps of Commissionaires’ Annual Meeting of Divisions

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, Canada’s largest security provider, a not-for-profit organization and Canada largest private sector employer of Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP veterans, is pleased to have The Honourable Julian Fantino, address its Annual Meeting of Divisions on June 27, Ottawa. The Minister of Veterans Affairs will speak to the … Read more ›

APSA hands out guard of the year award to Ottawa Commissionaire

By Neil Sutton Canadian Security Magazine Commissionaires security officer George Sayer has been recognized as Guard of the Year for 2014 by the Association of Professional Security Agencies (APSA). Sayer, who lives in Ottawa, received his award on June 11 in a small ceremony held in Toronto which was attended by members of the APSA board and several of … Read more ›

Gov’t underplayed worker injury, says head commissionaire

BY JANET FRENCH The provincial government minimized injuries a commissionaire suffered in an attack at a downtown social services office, the head of commissionaires in Saskatoon says. The commissionaire suffered shoulder injuries that will require surgery and has been off work since an April 8 incident in which a social services client charged at the … Read more ›

A big thank-you to eight who saved lives

By Sandra McCulloch Three people escaped death in 2013 thanks to the swift, selfless actions of eight others — five Victoria police officers, two commissionaires and a doctor — who saved lives using cardiopulmonary respiration. On Tuesday, those heroes were recognized for their efforts by B.C. Lt.-Gen. Judith Guichon with pins and certificates presented at … Read more ›

City Council Awards Contract To Commissionaires By Sasha Kalis Portage city council awarded a contract this week to the Manitoba Division of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires.  Councillor Ryan Espey says the two year contract is for by-law enforcement and parking meter services in the city.  Espey notes the Commissionaires put forward a good proposal and their staffing in particular looks … Read more ›