Commissionaires BC Contract for Animal Control Renewed

Abbotsford Mayor Bruce Banman and CEO Allen Batchelar renew Commissionaires BC contract for animal control. The city of Abbotsford has purchased a custom-built van that will be used by Commissionaires' bylaw officers over the next three years of the contract.

Military Man Named Next NS Lieutenant Governor

CBC Retired brigadier-general John James Grant has been named the new lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia. Read full article here. Note: This link will only be live as long as the provider makes it so. Please e-mail webmaster to let us know if it is not loading.

Enderby Bylaw Service Praised

Richard Rolke, Vernon Morning Star Consistent enforcement of Enderby’s rules are meeting with success. It’s been almost a year since the city contracted the Commissionaires — a private security firm — to take on bylaw enforcement in the community. “He is equipped for the job and has a good knowledge of our bylaws,” said Mayor … Read more ›

It’s Our Turn to Serve Veterans

Bill Sutherland, The Windsor Star Re: The journey to civilian life: Vets refocus aim on job market, by Jordan Press, Postmedia News, March 1. The Windsor Star is to be commended for drawing attention to the impact that the longest combat mission in Canadian history is having on our veterans. Our brave men and women … Read more ›

Vets Need Help

Bill Sutherland, The StarPhoenix Re: Afghanistan: Coming home series. Thank you for drawing attention to the impact that the longest combat mission in Canadian history is having on our veterans. One of their biggest challenges in returning home is to make the transition to the civilian workforce, as the article Afghan vets take aim at … Read more ›