Offered in: Great Lakes – GTA, London, Barrie ‧ Hamilton ‧ Kingston & Region ‧ Newfoundland & Labrador ‧ North Saskatchewan ‧ Northern Alberta, NWT & Nunavut ‧ Ottawa, Northern ON, NW QC, Windsor ‧ Quebec ‧ South Saskatchewan ‧ Southern Alberta
Commissionaires provides accredited officers who are authorized to validate your sworn statements and documents for many purposes, including:
- OATHS AND AFFIDAVITS If you do not have valid ID, Commissionaires can verify your identity and provide a legal statutory declaration or affidavit. Simply present a minimum of three items with your name and address such as pay stub, rent receipt or income tax return. We will have you swear an oath in front of an officer.
Oath and affidavit services from Commissionaires are:
- Delivered by friendly, professional, and knowledgeable Commissionaires
- Competitively priced
- Provided in multiple languages at many locations