Threat Risk Assessments


In the face of threats and risks to businesses and government infrastructure, Commissionaires now delivers Threat Risk Assessments (TRAs) to help small-to-large organizations across Atlantic Canada become more resilient.

Our analysts are trained to adhere to industry standards and best practices, and follow the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) methodology. Let us identify threats and risks and provide practical mitigation strategies unique to your organization.


  • Site Overview: We begin with a general assessment of your site by examining current security measures, how risk is managed, who is engaged in security, security manuals and company directives.
  • Environmental Scan: We examine how your company is viewed by the general community and determine if you have any adversaries that could present a risk. We also work with executives and staff to identify potential internal exposures.
  • Physical Security Survey: We conduct an extensive walkthrough of your new or existing facilities to examine perimeter control, access control, alarms, lighting, locks, IT security and any other measures to identify security vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability Testing: We evaluate your security capacity and preparedness through a series of tailored exercises – all monitored and safe, yet revealing.
  • Threat Risk Assessment Report: You will receive a comprehensive report outlining all findings and recommendations. This report is confidential and is provided to you, the decision maker. We provide the advice, evidence and support necessary to target harden your site.
  • Security Management Planning: We can develop and update Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Security Management Plans (SMPs) for organizations and events.


A solid TRA is the foundation of a thorough Emergency Plan, Security Plan or Business Continuity Plan for your organization. While you may have detailed processes already in place, no system is perfect and there is benefit to having an independent expert, like Commissionaires, conduct an assessment.

Traditional TRAs measure the quality of existing security systems and evaluates whether there is a need to enhance your security by providing you with an opinion on the level of risk you are facing.

We take this a step further, by incorporating monitored vulnerability testing to assess your employees’ response to simulated risk situations and tests to your existing security measures. This provides your organization real evidence on how strong your security measures are and whether your employees are ready to respond to an actual threat. This is done collaboratively with representatives at your discretion.

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