Ontario Police Memorial Ceremony of Remembrance 2018

The 19th annual Ceremony of Remembrance for Ontario’s fallen police officers took place at Queen’s Park in Toronto on Sunday May 6. Police officers from across Ontario, the United States and Europe gathered in Toronto on Sunday to be part of the commemoration. This year, the Commissionaires Great Lakes Ceremonial Unit was invited to march … Read more ›

Commissionaires among the finalists in BBB of Saskatchewan Torch Awards

Many of our divisions across the country are accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Our South Saskatchewan Division was a finalist at the April 30 BBB of Saskatchewan Torch Awards Ceremony held in Regina. The Torch Awards were established to recognize the actions of businesses that display ethical decision-making and integrity in business practices … Read more ›

Beyond Service: Bruce Riopelle (Ottawa)

Bruce Riopelle has been a commissionaire with the Ottawa Division for 23 years, nearly matching his 24 years served in the military. Though he had earned a Canadian Forces Decoration medal and a rosette, colleagues noticed his decorations didn’t match his service history; he was missing a second rosette. Earlier this year, the Commanding Officer … Read more ›

Commemorating the Battle of Atlantic, 6 May 2018

The Battle of the Atlantic service is held annually on the first Sunday of May. It remembers the sacrifices of the brave men and women of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), and Canadian Merchant Navy whose lives were lost during the Battle of the Atlantic, as well as all others who … Read more ›

Beyond Service: Gerry Blais (Ottawa)

After 36 years with the military, seven ribbons, and three rosettes, joining Commissionaires was natural for Gerry Blais. In fact, he credits his career in the military as being the reason he joined the Federation. Gerry, who joined our Ottawa Division in 2016, stressed two things when he spoke with us. First, ribbon bars do … Read more ›