Tips to Keep Your Business Safe

Security for your business is important because it builds trust with customers, keeps your assets safe, your employees safe, and can often be a competitive advantage in your market. There are many great tools and companies available to help support the safety of your business. 

Commissionaires is the largest private sector employer of veterans and the only not for profit security company.

Why are Commissionaires an expert in business security? 

We hire real people with real experience. Our veterans and staff have experience in the field keeping our country and city safe. We do not take their knowledge and years of experience for   granted and make sure their experience is used in the protection and safety of your business, and the community. 

Understanding Business Security

Business security covers the practices, strategies, and plans used to protect a business from different types of risks and threats. There are several different types of security for a business. We will outline each one to give you a better understanding of what each protects. 

Physical Security

This involves protecting the physical premises of a business, such as offices, warehouses, or factories. It includes measures like security guards, surveillance cameras, alarm systems, access control systems, and secure locks. Physical security is designed to prevent unauthorized access, theft, vandalism, and damage to property.


With the increasing reliance on digital technology, protecting digital assets has become crucial. Cybersecurity involves safeguarding a company’s IT infrastructure, data, and online transactions against cyber threats such as hacking, malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and data breaches. This includes using firewalls, antivirus software, secure networks, and regular security audits.

Employee Security

Ensuring the safety of employees in the workplace is a critical aspect of business security. This involves creating a secure work environment, implementing safety protocols, conducting regular safety drills, and providing training on security best practices.

Commissionaires offer pre-employment background screening to keep your employees safe. 

Data Protection

Businesses often handle sensitive information, including customer data, financial records, and proprietary information. Data protection measures are necessary to prevent data theft, leaks, and unauthorized access. This includes implementing data encryption, secure data storage solutions, and strict data access policies.

Risk Management

Identifying and managing potential risks to a business is a key part of business security. This involves assessing potential threats, determining their likelihood and potential impact, and implementing strategies to mitigate these risks.

Comprehensive Security Strategies

Here are 5 comprehensive security strategies that should be in place for your business to keep you, your assets, and your employees safe. 

  1. Risk Assessment and Management: The first step in comprehensive security is to conduct a thorough risk assessment. This involves identifying potential security threats, both internal and external, and evaluating their likelihood and potential impact on the business. The assessment should cover physical, cyber, and human resource vulnerabilities. Based on this assessment, companies should develop a risk management plan that includes strategies for mitigating identified risks, procedures for monitoring risk levels, and protocols for responding to security incidents.
  1. Layered Physical Security Measures: Implement a multi-layered approach to physical security. This could include perimeter security such as fencing and gates, access control systems like key cards or biometric scanners, surveillance systems including CCTV cameras, and alarm systems. Additionally, having security personnel on-site for monitoring and response can significantly enhance physical security. Regular audits and updates of physical security measures are also important to adapt to evolving threats.
  1. Robust Cybersecurity Framework: Cybersecurity is critical in protecting against digital threats. Key components include firewalls, anti-virus and anti-malware software, intrusion detection systems, and secure Wi-Fi networks. It’s also important to implement strong password policies, regular software updates, secure backup procedures, and data encryption. Educating employees about cybersecurity best practices, such as recognizing phishing attempts and securing personal devices used for work, is crucial.
  2. Employee Training and Awareness Programs: Employees often play a critical role in a company’s security. Regular training and awareness programs can equip them to identify potential security threats, understand the company’s security policies, and know how to respond in case of an emergency. This includes training on physical security protocols, cybersecurity best practices, and procedures for reporting suspicious activities or security breaches.
  1. Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning: Prepare for potential security incidents by developing an emergency response plan. This plan should include procedures for different types of incidents (e.g., natural disasters, cyber-attacks, physical security breaches), communication strategies, evacuation plans, and the roles and responsibilities of staff members during an emergency. Regular drills and simulations can help ensure that the company is prepared to effectively execute these plans in a real emergency.

Want to create your own security plan. Check out our article on creating a business security plan for more information. 

Physical Security Measures

Robust security measures are crucial for business safety, including locks, access control systems, security guarding, patrol services, and well-lit premises. Locks and access control systems control entry and exit, preventing unauthorized access. 

Security guarding and patrol services, such as those provided by Commissionaires, offer monitoring and immediate response to security incidents. Their presence deters intruders and ensures quick action during incidents. Well-lit premises deter criminal activity by increasing visibility, reducing theft and vandalism risks. These measures collectively create a comprehensive security system, protecting businesses, assets, and personnel.

Technological Solutions for Business Security

Modern business security systems encompass various technologies and strategies. Surveillance cameras and alarm systems play a critical role, offering real-time monitoring and alerting to potential threats. Cameras act as deterrents and provide valuable evidence in case of security breaches, while alarm systems notify of unauthorized access or disturbances. 

Cybersecurity is another essential component, safeguarding digital assets and information. This includes firewalls, antivirus software, secure network practices, and regular security audits. Together, these elements form an integrated security framework, essential for protecting businesses against diverse threats.

Employee Training and Awareness

Training employees in security protocols is crucial for maintaining a secure business environment. This involves educating staff on the company’s security policies, procedures for handling sensitive information, and recognizing potential security threats. 

Regular security drills and awareness programs reinforce this knowledge, ensuring that employees remain vigilant and prepared to respond effectively to security incidents.

Regular Security Audits

Conducting regular security audits is necessary to identify and address vulnerabilities in a business’s security infrastructure. These audits assess the effectiveness of existing security measures and identify areas for improvement. 

Commissionaires can provide expertise in security assessment, offering professional insights and recommendations to enhance the overall security posture of a business. Their involvement can lead to significant improvements in both physical and cyber security systems.

Staying Informed: Up-to-Date Security Practices

Keep your business safe by staying up to date or local and provincial security concerns. Here are some great local resources to help keep you up to date on the latest security trends and threats. 

Government Agencies:

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): Provides comprehensive resources on cybersecurity, infrastructure security, and emergency preparedness.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): Offers guidelines and frameworks, including the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which is a widely respected resource for cybersecurity best practices.

Public Safety Canada: Offers information and resources specifically tailored to Canadian businesses, focusing on emergency management and national security.

Industry-Specific Security Associations:

ASIS International: A leading organization for security professionals, providing educational resources, certifications, and research.

Information Systems Security Association (ISSA): Offers resources for cybersecurity professionals, including webinars, conferences, and publications.

Cybersecurity News and Publications:

Security Magazine: Covers the latest trends and news in the security industry.

Krebs on Security: A blog by journalist Brian Krebs that provides in-depth coverage of cybersecurity issues.

Dark Reading: Offers cybersecurity news and information for IT professionals.

As a business your goal is to keep your business running smoothly and keep your company competitive. Our job is to help keep your business safe. If you are interested in learning more, book a security consultation.