Beyond Service: Dianne Higgins (Ottawa)

“Don’t stop looking for something to do, because life is just beginning, post military.” Dianne was first in the military for three years as a field medic in the mid-70s. She joined the Air Force as a clerk, and then remained with the CAF for over 20 years. Dianne had the opportunity to work alongside … Read more ›

“I can still hear the sound of my mom when she was told”

The title of this post is a quote from Allen Martin on his mother’s reaction when she was told her son, Glenn, had been killed in the Westray Mining Disaster. April 28 has been recognized as a National Day of Mourning since the Parliament of Canada passed the Workers Mourning Day Act in 1990. The … Read more ›

Beyond Service: Devon Riley (Ottawa)

When he found himself seeking inspiration to get his life on track, Devon Riley turned to the Canadian Armed Forces. He signed up to be a reservist, and is experiencing “the best of both worlds.” He enjoys the flexibility of having a full-time job as a commissionaire, and still do his part as a soldier.  When … Read more ›

Beyond Service: Angela Jacklin (Ottawa)

Angela Jacklin balanced family life and a military career throughout her 32 years of dedicated service to the CAF. Although she was never posted in theatre, she spent two years at sea, and was an instructor at various points in her career, teaching QL3 and QL6 finance courses, among others. Angela is an administrative supervisor … Read more ›