Division: Ottawa, Northern ON, NW QC, Windsor
721 St. Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC J8Y 4B6
We are sorry that this location is not wheelchair accessible at this time.
P 819 776 0004
TF 877 322 6777
F 819 776 3022
[email protected]
Fingerprinting and Background Screening
T 819 776 0004 ext. 5
TF 877 322 6777
[email protected]
Record Suspensions (formerly known as pardons) and US Travel Waivers
T 613 231 6462 Ext. 379
E [email protected]
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Media Contact – for MEDIA enquiries only (please call the numbers above if you have questions about fingerprinting services and appointments)
Rebecca Hatton
Senior Communications Marketing Specialist
Commissionaires Ottawa Group
(903) 329-0142 (for media enquiries only)
[email protected]
Services Offered by this Location
Free parking at the back of the plaza behind the Charron street building
St. Joseph Boulevard / Charron Street
Public Transportation
S.T.O. Transit
Bus route #37 or #38