Summer Safety Guide

The return to sunny weather has provided many leisure, productivity, travel, and social interaction opportunities. However, with this comes increased risks. Being prepared to make the transition can be tricky, but luckily, I have here a handy-dandy Summer Safety Guide! The following list is some of the best tips I’ve found on the world wide … Read more ›

Faster than a fighter aircraft

Cleared for take-off, strap in and take flight with Indian Air Force veteran and commissionaire, Amarjeet Nandra, CSSM. When we asked where his dedicated and hardworking nature-derived, he answered, “Indian Air Force. I have always had an interest in aircraft. I was under 18 when I joined the Indian Air Force. Quickly, I learned basic … Read more ›

ON THE SPOT INTERVIEW GUARANTEED – Various positions to fill

With the job market currently considered as a “job-seeker market”, this is the perfect opportunity for you to make a career change and join the growing and exciting industry of security, community service and protection! Our job fairs have proven to be highly successful in connecting the ideal candidates to the right jobs through one-on-one … Read more ›