Welcome aboard, Captain George Forward.

Retired naval captain George Forward took the helm as CEO of our Newfoundland and Labrador Division last month. He’s a highly accomplished military professional who brings over 30 years of leadership and executive experience, a career that took him around the world and back again to Canada. … Read more ›

Rodney McAlpine receives Medal of Bravery from Governor General

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, presented honours to 40 recipients during a ceremony at Rideau Hall on September 12, 2019. Canadians who risked their lives to save others in recent years were recognized for their acts of bravery. Her Excellency presented the Medal of Bravery to Commissionaire Rodney McAlpine, M.B.  … Read more ›

Commissionaires Ottawa Group donates $500,000 to support homeless veterans in Ottawa

OTTAWA—September 16, 2019. Commissionaires Ottawa Group today announced it is donating $500,000 to the Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) and Governor General’s Foot Guards Regimental Association (GGFG). $400,000 of this donation will be channelled into the MHI’s Veterans’ House – Heroes’ Welcome campaign to build a three-story 40-unit supportive housing facility at the former CFB Rockcliffe Air Base. $100,000 will help fund the … Read more ›

Three Commissionaires receive Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation

The Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence Hon. Lawrence MacAulay presented the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation to 29 recipients at a special ceremony in Hamilton on July 29, 2019. The commendation was awarded for outstanding service to veterans and dedication to remembrance, part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to recognizing individuals who go selflessly … Read more ›

Avoid the summer daze – health tips for the season

We’re well into the summer months with their outdoor fun and festivities. Our beaches, camp grounds, parks, etc., draw countless visitors as we soak up the sun. However, we’ve been experiencing, and continues to experience, extreme summer heat waves. Extreme heat can have a variety of negative impacts on our health and safety. If you … Read more ›

“Dressing down” for Charity

Somewhere on the outskirts of Napanee, on the right side of Hwy 2, is a little haven for our wild, furry friends; the Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre (SPWC). Since 1994, the SPWC has been helping thousands of injured and orphaned birds and animals and releasing them back into the wild once they’re ready. Not only … Read more ›