CNS celebrates 80th Anniversary of protecting Nova Scotians

On this day in 1938, our Nova Scotia Division opened it’s doors for business. Here are eight fun-facts to commemorate it’s 80th birthday:   On January 24, 1938, CNS officially began with only 20 men, all former members of the permanent force. Since then, it’s expanded to approximately 1,600 employees – both veterans and non-veterans. CNS was originally … Read more ›

Attention to detail and quick thinking go a long way

Wednesday January 10, 2018 was a momentous day for the City of Saskatoon and North Saskatchewan Division. That day, The New York Times included Saskatoon on its list of 52 places to visit in 2018. A pleasant surprise to many locals, who have been experiencing severe cold weather conditions wreaking havoc on their infrastructure. On that same day, Commissionaire Don Field, a video … Read more ›

Commissionaire receives Edmonton Police Service Dempsey Award

Terry Eisenmenger, a Northern Alberta Division commissionaire and Peace Officer, received the prestigious Edmonton Police Service Dempsey Award on December 11, 2017. This award is presented to sworn, civilian and contract employees who have gone beyond their regular duties to make EPS a more effective force. Terry works in the EPS Southeast Division cell block.  "Terence treats … Read more ›

CEO Paul Guindon featured on leadership website

From becoming a 12-year-old hockey coach for his peers, to controlling a Canadian Destroyer in the Adriatic Sea during the Baltic conflict, to leading our organization through unprecedented growth, Commissionaires Ottawa CEO Paul Guindon has experienced the full gamut of leadership roles. In this candid and thought-provoking interview, Mr. Guindon describes some of his leadership … Read more ›

Commissionaires lend a hand to communities across Canada

With the kickoff to the holidays just days away, it’s common for our focus to be on gift-giving, and at times missing the spirit of the season: the greatest gift of all is giving of oneself and one’s time. In that spirit, we’re shining the spotlight on some commissionaires across the country who do great … Read more ›