4 tips to protect against ransomware at home and work

This post comes from Ted Bruce, the IT Manager with our Nova Scotia Division. WHAT IS IT? Ransomware is malware (malicious software) for kidnapping data, an computer exploit in which the attacker encrypts the victim's data and demands payment for the decryption. HOW DOES IT WORK? Ransomware spreads mainly through attachments and links embedded in … Read more ›

Our Northern Alberta headquarters is the home of the future, today

Special contribution by Commissionaires Northern Alberta Division In 2013, it was determined that the existing headquarters building in Edmonton would no longer accommodate the continued growth the Division enjoyed in the booming economic climate. By then, the two-storey building we had owned and occupied since 1998 was being modified, piecemeal, to accommodate increasing staff and … Read more ›

Commissionaire makes a couple of tourists’ day at Port of Sydney

Cruise season is well upon Nova Scotia – a true sign of our summer! A wonderful customer service story came in from our Port of Sydney site, where 8 to 17 commissionaires provide security, cruise ship services and boarding control. One of Commissionaires’ duties is access control of passengers coming on and off the cruise … Read more ›